Impossible Situations

#1 My Hasselblad is stuck to a lens/bellows that isn't even mine. (Long story) It's in between cocked and uncocked. I can't remove it! Supposedly this is one of the only flaws in the very reliable Hassies. Figures it'd happen to me. I normally wouldn't mind but I am 10/12 shots on my roll and I'm ithching to get them developed! I saw this woman I would have loved doing a portrait of but I only had B&W film on me at the time.... needless to say the color film was on my Hassie. Definately a color shot. Oh well. Tomorrow will be the third time I try taking to to B&H, hopefully we can get the damn thing removed.

#2 is slightly more interesting and a bit less tragic. I jsut wanted to feature a few of my favorite shots from the Lens series for NYT. Damon Winters has a series called "neighbors" in which he uses double exposures to capture the many juxtapositions of NYC. Here are some of my favorites.

I know double exposures aren't a new invention or anything, but they are real eye openers in the same way diptychs can be in terms of photographic possibilties of juxtaposition and even composition.

They have a kick ass interview with Damon Winters while he talks about his process over a slideshow. Good stuff.

On third note if you noticed a lack of updates in my flickr stream lately it isn't because I haven't been shooting, rather, I've been shooting film since I've gotten to the city. I do believe I wasted my first roll of 120 by loading it incorrectly but once I finish up the roll on my Hassie I'm going to take them to get developed and hopefully scanned ASAP.

I did update with one shot I've been wanting to do for awhile now, I just needed the right conditions. Here's an outtake (slightly oof) It was suprisingly hard to get the natural pose I wanted, but overall the results turned out okay.

More final version can be seen here along with the photo on the bottom which takes the context of the city out and suddenly becomes a study of form and the texture of waterdrops. If it isn't obvious the silloheting is very intentional. It took me awhile to achieve the exact amount of light I wanted to fall on the edges.

Other than those there are a few shots I'm anticipating from my roll of color from my 159mm. I hope I can use the scanner at Parsons to scan the negatives.

Possible titles next post:
"My Broken Hasselblad"
"My Tricked Out Leather-Clad Thunder Bolt Strap 159mm"
"My Photo Class Shopping List"
"I Hate My Photo Professor"

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