Diane Arbus

Today I was at Barnes and Noble for about an hour reading about photography. Mostly I've been looking through this book; Revelations with the work of Diane Arbus. I don't have a large collection of knowledge on older photographers in the least bit, but today I'm glad I got to appreciate some of her work.

I didn't have time to fully read much at all but the picture's I've seen had that intangible quality that i love about them. I guess you can say she truly shot from the hip, because she used a Rolleiflex =) Can't do that with DSLRS. I also noticed in the book she used a Leica M3 I think. Might be confusing this with others. It's refreshing to take time to absorb a picture. I enjoyed most of her words too. Here are two quotes:

The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.

Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats.
The picture above is of two twins taken in Roselle, actually. Very expensive picture :P It's a funny thing, while I was done reading, I realize that although I DO spend a lot of time reading and researching about photography, I was immediately wishing for my camera after having read all of that. I should just go out and shoot. And I did, a bit at least. I went over Emily/Amanda's and picked this shot of the staircase that I love. A little heavy on the left side, but that's what makes this one so dynamic and interesting,It's grainy, but I wasnt about to drag a tripod in their house, haha.

I might leave it at that, as tonight hasn't exactly been an inspiring post. Maybe I should edit it a little. I've been writing what's coming to mind. Goodnight.

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  1. Anonymous September 10, 2007 at 8:19 PM

    Editing to correct a journal entry is stupid, as one cannot correct what one truly feels. Editing to add or expand on something is the only reason to edit something like this. I think thats your wisdom for today. And I liked the post anyways. It was rather passionate, or maybe I'm just weird and see too much. And the stairs seem kind of dizzying, like you could fall into the picture and roll down them. I think thats a good thing though.