A word I'm used to. I wish I could count how many shoots I've done at home that have amounted to nothing at all. I suppose it isnt bad if you get a nice picture or two, which actually would not constitute a failure at all, but there are plenty of nights like this one when I come up with nothing. I do plan at trying again, at least. A bigger sheet, bigger set, some triggers, and yeah. I was actually going for two different shots during this shoot - one which was my original intention while the other I came up with due to my limited sheet area and space to position the camera. That's the one you see here.
The good thing about this shoot is that it was my first attempt at one of my new projects I've been letting marinate for the past two weeks in my head. So far I have three or four seperate ideas I'd like to make into a series... talk about motivation! I think at the end I will be pretty proud if they turn out the way I want them to.
I've also come to the realization that I love film and instead of a D300 my next investment will be a medium format. If I'll be assisting and not being the primary shooter, why not? Next post will probably have my classes =)
(By the way, Blogger, what the hell did you do to my pictures layout? I can't move them at all, but i'm too lazy to figure it out myself. ugh.)
*edit: I love how I failed on my FAIL picture. I spelt pocket wrong. Go me.
Avedon, Kiraly and Me
It's cold outside. I finally decided to update this little thing not with details of a new shoot, as I've hoped, but I'll let other photographers be interesting this time. I was looking through my feed earlier today when one of my blogs linked to Iosif Kiraly's site, a Romanian photographer who likes doing panographies. I didn't see why they were necessary in his others works, but in Reconstructions they work perfectly.
I really need to make my own template for this blogger business. These premade ones are way too limiting. Rant rant. Anyway, this summer at my family reunion I want to do an Avedon style portrait of everyone there and blow up a whole bunch of prints at the end... it'll be nice I think.
Another photographer I wanted to mention was Mikhael Subotzky. I remember reading the feature on him in one of my first issues of Aperture. Personally I think they could have picked better pictures for the issue, because the ones online blew me away. In keeping with the long horizontal shots, Subotzky has a few large panoramas and even some 360 ones. Check out Die Vier Hoeke, but also look at the later projects. I like the continuity between his projects. Anyway, check it out.
Whew, for a blog post that was incredibly lazy. I need to actually focus on the writing and what I'm even saying here. Be back soon with real content =)
* Someone remind me to redo the color scheme on my header.